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Statistics Act review - join the conversation

Stats Act

1975. The Corolla ruled, mix tapes were a ‘thing’ and the Stats Act became law. How things change! Actually… the legislation hardly has.

The Act doesn’t even feature the word ‘data’. Far-out! Everything we shared in 1975 was in hardcopy. We probably drove it over in the Corolla! It’s time to move on. Our Stats Act needs an update. What do you think?

Public consultation underway

At Data Summit’18 Statistics Minister James Shaw and Government Chief Data Steward Liz MacPherson announced that public consultation on new data and statistics legislation needed to replace the Statistics Act 1975 is underway. 


Join the conversation and have your say


Visit (or revisit) the 70s to take the quiz, try the online survey, or complete a full submission.


The consultation runs until 9 November 2018.


Stay Beautiful 1975. We’re moving on.