Would like to request a copy of the entire NZ postcode list including details like Suburb, City or Town, and Region Name if possible. In csv format.
Requested data is for planning and analysis purposes, in relation to Courier logistics.
Refer to above comment. Without this data, not possible to analyse and do planning.
14 Votes
Agency notified
Request to download
Excel data for post codes
Andrew Knott
request to download please.
Request to download
Warren Gomesz
Request to download NZ Postcodes
Request to download
Request to download
Request to download NZ Post code information
Charith Hewawitharanage
Request to download
Information Centre
We do not have a list of Postal Codes we do not identify people/households /businesses in our statistics as per our Data and Statistics Bill 2022.
Kind Regards
Nga Mihi
Outreach and Information Advisor
Kaiwhakamaherehere – Te Āwhina me te Pārongo
Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
DDI +64 9 920-9110
Freephone 0508 525 525
Chat with Stats Nz online at www.stats.govt.nz
About Aotearoa, for Aotearoa
Data that improves lives today and for generations to come
William Baguion
request to send NZ postal code
Didier Ah-Lone Chan
Request to download
Request to download NZ Postcodes
Aaron Reid
Request to download