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Birth Data in NZ by statistical area 2

I am wanting to gather information on birth rate around New Zealand - ideally by statistical area 2. over the last 5-10 years

identifying which regions are having an increase in birth rate and which regions may be declining.

Response from
Department of Internal Affairs


Tēnā koe The Department of Internal Affairs does not hold address information in relation to birth registration as a complete/accurate dataset to the level you specify. This is because address fields are free text when registering birth, therefore significant variation can occur and manual reconciliation is necessary. Statistics NZ is the repository of NZ data statistics, including statistics on NZ birth data. We consulted with Statistics NZ regarding a transfer of your request, however they have refused transfer in this case. They advised: "Statistics NZ do not produce birth data to SA2 level. Stats NZ makes Birth rate data for the whole country publicly available on Browse - Infoshare - Statistics New Zealand ( We also make birth number data publicly available down to city/district council area: Select variables - Infoshare - Statistics New Zealand ( It is possible that we could produce data to smaller geographical aggregations through a customised data request. We would suggest that the requestor contact our customised data team to discuss their requirements and what we can produce: 0508 525 525 or" I therefore invite you to contact Statistics NZ directly to engage with them regarding the customised data they may be able to provide for you, to see whether it may meet your needs. Data to a higher regional grouping is already publicly available on the website. Nāku noa, nā Micheala Ngaia (ia/she/her)| Official Correspondence Manager Te Pāhekoheko, Kāwai ki te iwi | Operations, Service Delivery and Operations Te Tari Taiwhenua The Department of Internal Affairs

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