Hi, I'm trying to track down the weekly all-cause mortality data that was previously available on the NZ Stats Covid Portal. An enquiry to NZ Stats after the portal was shut down revealed that this information was supplied to them by the DIA. I wonder if you could point me to the relevant page for it?
I have been tabulating this data for several years from the NZ Stats Covid Portal until it was shut down in August.
Providing the original source of the data from DIA
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Tēnā koe Thank you for your OIA request to the Department of Internal Affairs. The Department will provide its response to your request as soon as practicable and within twenty working days. The 20th working day is 19 Feburary 2025. Please note that in cases where the Department’s response provides information that is identified to be of general public interest, the response may also be published on the Department of Internal Affairs website. If the Department publishes its response to your OIA request, all personal information, including your name and contact details, will be removed. Ngā mihi Ekta Raturi (ia/she/her)| Official Correspondence Coordinator Te Pāhekoheko, Kāwai ki te iwi | Operations, Service Delivery and Operations Te Tari Taiwhenua | The Department of Internal Affairs
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