I have been unable to find any centralised list of all shooting ranges in NZ. Being the approving authority for civilian ranges, can the NZ Police please release data on all civilian shooting ranges of all types (rifle ranges, pistol, sporting clay, etc) in NZ. Ideally the data would include: Range Name Range Type Range approvals/capabilities (permitted firearm calibers, shooting distances, i.e. 50m, 100m, 300m etc) Specific Location (address and/or coordinates) Managing party (NZDA branch, pistol club name, etc) and contact details for that party. Ideal data format would be .csv or .shp GIS shapefile.
Many ranges and shooting clubs do not have an online presence, in terms of a website, so are difficult to find out about without local knowledge. Releasing this data would simplify the task of firearm users locating ranges where they can practice/train to become safer and more proficient.
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