Hi there I am working on a project in Vector regarding health and safety. would need Hospitals coordinates or any sort of GIS format. was wondering you could help? Kind regards Hamed 0221018899
Health and safety in relation to Vector's electricity asset
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Hi Thanks, for your question. Distributors (eg Vector) are responsible for populating the network fields in the registry (the national database of electricity connections). This database has fields for NZTM coordinates, although they are optional to populate. Vector does not populate these – if they had you’d be able to go to the following page (or API) and enter the address of the hospitals to receive the coordinates of the ICPs serving these sites. http://www.ea.govt.nz/consumers/your-power-data-in-your-hands/my-meter/ https://emi.portal.azure-api.net/ An alternative method that may work for you is to view the coordinates for hospitals in google maps. Regards, Matthew Keir
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