Ridership numbers through Wellington station with time of day, for the last 10 years - ideally, including the recent manual counts (clicker wielded by Metlink staff) done at TransDev's ticket checks. Format - as open as possible! I'd expect this to be made available for Get Wellington Moving if nothing else.
At present, data about the most efficient way for people to move into / out of Wellington are not available to the wealth of human resource able to mix, mash and visualise data to generate insights on really topical issues. These would inform the public and decision-makers, meaning better-informed and simply better decisions.
Data are only available to a few project partners' staff within local government agencies, and data's transformation into knowledge is only happening under very specific constraints.
Transport and mobility are hot topics and Wellington's (NZ's!) hacker, data visualisation and transport geek community would promptly do excellent and insightful things with these data. It's important now, as Get Wellington Moving and regional land transport initiatives are gathering pace without a well-informed public.
More information required about request
Thank you for your request. You have requested the following information: “Ridership numbers through Wellington station with time of day, for the last 10 years - ideally, including the recent manual counts (clicker wielded by Metlink staff) done at TransDev's ticket checks. Format - as open as possible! I'd expect this to be made available for Get Wellington Moving if nothing else.” In order to answer this request as it currently stands would take substantial collation and research. We unfortunately do not have the information collated in such a way as to answer your question in a reasonable amount of time and as such would have to refuse your request. We are happy to discuss how we can provide you with useful data and refine your request. If you would like to discuss this with us, please contact Democratic Services on Ph: (04) 384 5708 or freephone 0800 496 734. We confirm that GWRC does not make the level of data, as per in your request, available for other partner projects, including Let’s Get Wellington Moving. Instead, GW recommends the access of patronage data from our Metlink website. Such data is also available and can be download in Excel format from the bottom of the page. https://www.metlink.org.nz/customer-services/public-transport-facts-and-figures/patronage/ GWRC has also carried out Annual Cordon Counts which give Am Peak Arrivals, by 10 minute time period, for one day each March at the points around the Wellington City CBD. This information is available at the following website: http://www.gw.govt.nz/assets/Wellington-Cordon-data-report-2016.pdf I have included a table below that is the best answer that we can get from our current database. This information is for all stations in the Metlink network, including Wellington Station and for Peak / Off-peak movements from January 2007 to December 2016 . This is aggregated monthly data and includes regional trips between stations other than Wellington Station. Kind regards, Month/Year Total Peak Off-peak Jan/2007 686,855 408,509 278,346 Feb/2007 919,956 563,155 356,801 Mar/2007 966,916 653,103 313,813 Apr/2007 1,046,571 671,408 375,163 May/2007 939,172 635,716 303,456 Jun/2007 863,474 585,996 277,478 Jul/2007 965,009 644,732 320,277 Aug/2007 1,023,566 697,373 326,193 Sep/2007 910,618 594,023 316,595 Oct/2007 975,907 653,772 322,134 Nov/2007 992,110 665,718 326,392 Dec/2007 786,569 472,820 313,749 Jan/2008 821,590 506,136 315,454 Feb/2008 996,724 648,437 348,287 Mar/2008 1,011,256 636,952 374,304 Apr/2008 1,016,389 684,557 331,831 May/2008 1,086,020 730,933 355,086 Jun/2008 966,695 657,496 309,199 Jul/2008 1,118,109 741,022 377,087 Aug/2008 1,016,121 680,233 335,888 Sep/2008 1,059,031 712,805 346,226 Oct/2008 1,051,734 685,179 366,554 Nov/2008 952,836 626,141 326,695 Dec/2008 853,908 536,806 317,102 Jan/2009 759,249 452,142 307,107 Feb/2009 976,652 610,536 366,117 Mar/2009 1,127,094 741,710 385,384 Apr/2009 992,912 640,994 351,919 May/2009 1,015,458 686,489 328,968 Jun/2009 952,716 670,843 281,874 Jul/2009 1,017,842 688,594 329,248 Aug/2009 969,621 639,431 330,190 Sep/2009 970,136 649,701 320,435 Oct/2009 925,917 600,001 325,916 Nov/2009 940,420 614,064 326,356 Dec/2009 773,572 490,198 283,374 Jan/2010 694,228 416,097 278,131 Feb/2010 953,410 605,016 348,394 Mar/2010 1,090,533 713,908 376,625 Apr/2010 935,530 622,550 312,980 May/2010 970,282 651,183 319,099 Jun/2010 892,186 627,253 264,933 Jul/2010 984,645 640,011 344,634 Aug/2010 981,650 668,829 312,821 Sep/2010 950,787 645,118 305,669 Oct/2010 900,097 577,587 322,510 Nov/2010 953,813 644,688 309,125 Dec/2010 782,980 492,814 290,166 Jan/2011 681,721 425,731 255,990 Feb/2011 947,231 620,801 326,430 Mar/2011 1,134,923 761,551 373,372 Apr/2011 901,908 586,235 315,673 May/2011 1,057,376 712,627 344,749 Jun/2011 965,681 656,774 308,907 Jul/2011 944,707 603,947 340,760 Aug/2011 983,744 694,056 289,688 Sep/2011 1,026,329 671,591 354,738 Oct/2011 1,086,774 579,174 507,600 Nov/2011 983,665 645,173 338,492 Dec/2011 766,999 466,896 300,103 Jan/2012 671,749 415,760 255,989 Feb/2012 942,625 605,961 336,664 Mar/2012 1,064,732 693,828 370,904 Apr/2012 836,556 533,743 302,813 May/2012 1,071,074 723,556 347,518 Jun/2012 895,187 604,255 290,932 Jul/2012 968,573 636,660 331,913 Aug/2012 1,048,662 705,630 343,032 Sep/2012 945,249 606,579 338,670 Oct/2012 995,535 653,470 342,065 Nov/2012 981,024 648,544 332,480 Dec/2012 755,385 426,815 328,570 Jan/2013 774,516 483,090 291,426 Feb/2013 930,159 597,580 332,579 Mar/2013 1,031,686 657,040 374,646 Apr/2013 969,095 633,465 335,630 May/2013 1,129,242 740,254 388,988 Jun/2013 826,277 544,974 281,303 Jul/2013 974,977 641,969 333,008 Aug/2013 1,013,106 655,450 357,656 Sep/2013 961,208 636,072 325,136 Oct/2013 992,385 634,522 357,863 Nov/2013 988,138 634,582 353,556 Dec/2013 801,850 456,412 345,438 Jan/2014 799,088 497,447 301,641 Feb/2014 962,590 605,569 357,021 Mar/2014 1,118,876 708,425 410,451 Apr/2014 938,275 596,133 342,142 May/2014 1,110,157 731,012 379,145 Jun/2014 982,642 652,068 330,574 Jul/2014 1,082,310 711,382 370,928 Aug/2014 1,047,260 678,948 368,312 Sep/2014 1,058,077 701,824 356,253 Oct/2014 1,056,069 684,806 371,263 Nov/2014 979,214 622,326 356,888 Dec/2014 849,788 495,218 354,570 Jan/2015 816,658 491,957 324,701 Feb/2015 963,926 612,549 351,377 Mar/2015 1,214,784 770,715 444,069 Apr/2015 978,896 612,223 366,673 May/2015 1,026,500 665,391 361,109 Jun/2015 1,055,513 695,558 359,955 Jul/2015 1,113,526 714,165 399,361 Aug/2015 1,041,736 679,325 362,411 Sep/2015 1,047,194 692,708 354,486 Oct/2015 1,022,695 658,796 363,899 Nov/2015 1,070,874 674,921 395,953 Dec/2015 918,408 522,640 395,768 Jan/2016 805,610 479,514 326,096 Feb/2016 1,136,592 695,392 441,200 Mar/2016 1,179,164 765,492 413,672 Apr/2016 1,134,295 704,222 430,073 May/2016 1,210,591 813,254 397,337 Jun/2016 1,120,497 749,853 370,644 Jul/2016 1,132,582 726,834 405,748 Aug/2016 1,229,801 823,539 406,262 Sep/2016 1,132,973 764,714 368,259 Oct/2016 1,102,060 696,683 405,377 Nov/2016 992,547 646,158 346,389 Dec/2016 898,301 501,262 397,039
16 Votes
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