Hello, I am a researcher with the University of Michigan. I am looking for the five most common last names in your country. I would prefer data that is close to 2010. I also need their frequency. A press release on similar information was posed here: https://www.dia.govt.nz/press.nsf/d77da9b523f12931cc256ac5000d19b6/738cf2a0e2ef4d2ecc257d340013fc3b!OpenDocument. However, it lacks the frequency data that is crucial for our research. If you do not have this data, I would appreciate any suggestions on where to find it. Thank you.
The most common last names have been posted, so the data must exist somewhere. Ideally, with more statistical information on frequency of occurrence, it can be put into a better perspective for citizens on the uniqueness of their family name.
Dear Alexandra, Thank you for your request. The Department is working on updating the dataset in early 2019 with 2018 data. Data outside of this should be requested directly from the Department under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). To make a request for data under the OIA, please email OIA@dia.govt.nz outlining the information required. Requests made under the OIA will be responded to within 20 working days. Kind Regards Department of Internal Affairs
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