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rock climbing injuries and fatalities

Number of injuries and fatalities while rock climbing in New Zealand

understanding rates of injury and fatalities to assist in educating students studying this sport who will become instructors and lead the public in rock climbing activities

Response from
Accident Compensation Corporation

Dataset submitted

Good morning Ann, Please find the link below to the information as per your request. I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions about this response, please contact my team at Link to data: Yours sincerely, Analytics & Reporting, ACC


  • Analytics & Reporting, ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora

    Please find the link below to the information as per your request. I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions about this response, please contact my team at

    Link to data:

    Kind regards
    Analytics & Reporting, ACC

  • Analytics & Reporting, ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Hi Alex,

    This is acknowledging your request for a refresh of the dataset for rock climbing injuries.
    Your request has an indicative due date of 23rd July 2021 but we will endeavour to provide you a response as soon as possible.

    If you have any questions please email us at
    Ngā mihi

  • Alex Popinga

    Thank you for the data! Would it be possible to have an updated version to include 2020/2021? Cheers, Alex

  • Government Services

    Kia ora Ann, Thank you for your data request of 20 September 2019 asking for information about the number of injuries and fatalities while rock climbing in New Zealand. ACC is working on your request and will be in touch with you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, we shall be happy to work with you to resolve them. We can be contacted via email at Ngā mihi, Emma Coats