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Noise Induced hearing loss data

Hi, I'm after a dataset for the last ten years detailing the amount of claims for occupational noise induced hearing loss. Also if possible can I get annual totals dataset and then a dataset by industry... Much appreciated.

Tertiary education essay

Response from Accident Compensation Corporation

Awaiting moderation


  • Adam hilleard

    Hi There ,

    Could I please have the data for :

    Noise Induced hearing loss data

    Thanks Adam ,

  • Alex (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Madeline,

    Data for 2015 to 2020 calendar years is available at the following link:

    If you require additional data please email us at so we can identify what you need and log a request.

    Ngā mihi

  • madeline

    May I please have the NIHL data for construction for the last 10 years?
    If not NZ will be great.

  • Karen Ah Tong (Requester)

    Hi There, I have tried the link above to see the most recent data available, please can you let me know if this is on another link or website?

  • Alex Becker (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Ben

    We'll arrange to either update the existing dataset or lodge a new one with updated data. Once this is done we'll let you know here. We'll aim to have this completed by 2 October 2020.

    Ngā mihi
    Analytics & Reporting, ACC

  • Ben Mayson (Requester)

    Hi there -> I am interested in an updated version of this same dataset. Is that a possibility?
