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Cell tower sites

GPS coordinates of all cell tower sites in NZ.

Using geolocation on AGPS and GPS/APGS devices. Mapping data on HTML5 geolocation web pages/sites.

Geolocation is an area of increasing interest - cell towers are an important part of this.

Plotting cell towers visually for punters with mobile devices

Response from
Ministry of Business innovation and Employment


MBIE (formally MED) already publishes information relating to all licenced radio transmitters on the New Zealand Register of Radio Frequencies database, which is located at and is more commonly known as SMART. SMART can for example be searched by licensee eg "Vodafone" and the location information can be extracted for further processing by the user. Web sites such as have already extracted the location data specific to cell sites and use that information to display the location (and other details) of cell sites across New Zealand.


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