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Nationwide Building Permits Issue Data

We are looking for building permit data, for each region throughout New Zealand. Name of permit filling, address, details of the work or building consented. Format - CSV. We have downloaded PDF's/ from individual Local City or Council. We can provide a sample example.

Downloading this data manually from each city or council in PDF foprmat as we do now.

Improving ability of these holders to locate competiant building specilaists for these projects locally around New Zealand. This data would allow small and medium sized businesses to know what new work would be available in their local areas, stimulating the trade economy.

Response from
Statistics New Zealand

Request received

Hi Dean , We receive numbers of Building Consents from the Councils around New Zealand . This data can be accessed on our website under “Infoshare “ our website tool. Here are links to the templates to build your tables : We do not identify any person , organisation or business in our statistics and we only publish the aggregated numbers by categories like Residential and Non Residential . Link to the Statistics Act: I suggest you try the Councils for further data. If you need any more help/data please call us on freephone 0508 525 525 or email us on or chat with us online at Kind Regards Joanne Joanne Alexander Outreach and Information Advisor Kaiwhakamaherehere – Te Āwhina me te Pārongo Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa DDI +64 9 920 9110 Freephone 0508 525 525

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