List of licensed pharmacies and licensed hospital pharmacies which is updated on a regular basis. The data should contain Legal Entity Name, Premises Name, DHB, Street Address, Town/City, Postal Code, and License Expiry Date and Type of Pharmacy.
...not having an aggregated list of all pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. Obtaining current data on approved (licensed) pharmacies It is critical to know if a pharmacy's license is up-to-date when distributing medicines to them.
There is an obligation on organizations in the pharma industry to verify the authenticity of their customers and suppliers - first before trading with them, and the re-verify the status periodically - minimum annually. Providing such a register would help organizations in the pharma industry to easier ensure they procure and sell medicinal products only to entities authorized to do so.
Request received
Kia ora, Thank you for your query. Unfortunately, pharmacy contact details do not form part of the licence register. However, we note that contact information (including email addresses) for pharmacies is publicly available (for example, through
9 Votes
Agency responded
Andrew Charles
Hi There,
Do you have contact details for each pharmacy in NZ? Does it include physical address alongside phone and email contacts?
Is it possible to obtain email list of Pharmacies in NZ. Thank you.
Mary Fryer
Can I have lust of accredited pharmacy in Auckland
Te Whatu Ora (Ministry of Health)
You can download the list from here:
Click on the link at the bottom of the page to download.
Anna Davies
Can I please have a list of hospital pharmacies.
Thank you
Miguel Faria
Is there a way to download this list?