This implementation plan provides a timeline for activities that support meeting our obligations as a signatory to the international Open Data Charter.
1 July 2021–31 December 2021.
Engagement with the wider data system is a key element to raising awareness of the Open Data Charter (the Charter), especially the principle of Comparable and Interoperable. Reaching out to the open data community will allow input and identification of barriers preventing agencies from creating more comparable and interoperable data.
Standardisation helps to create consistent data which can be easily compared across the system.
Documentation and guidance about data that is written in clear, plain language ensures users have sufficient information to understand the source, strengths, weaknesses, and analytical limitations of the data. This guidance can help users to better understand the context as well as other factors that may impact analysis or comparisons when using the data.
To encourage comparable and interoperable data across the data system, we must understand the barriers agencies face in applying this principle to their data.
We will review this plan in 3 months and may update it with additional content. We'll publish a progress report following the initial 6 months and will also outline our intentions for 2022.
If you’d like more information, have a question, or want to provide feedback, email
Content last reviewed 23 December 2021.