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  • Open data release checklist

    A draft checklist of the things you should consider before releasing open data.

  • What is a publisher account and how do I apply?

    Government agencies can publish and update their datasets on the catalogue by applying for a publisher account.

  • Apply for a publisher account

    Add government datasets to the listing on

  • What metadata should I include with my dataset?

    Metadata describes your dataset to others in a standardised way. Having good quality metadata helps people discover and use your dataset. This guidance provides a description and examples of good practice metadata when releasing on

  • Adding datasets to

    Learn how to prepare a machine readable CSV file and publish to the data catalogue.

  • How do I add or update our Chief Executive expenses?

    Public Service Commission ask agencies to disclose their Departmental Secretary or Chief Executive Expenses at least annually. allows you to self-manage the update process to the CE Expenses datasets. This allows agencies to publish faster and meet the disclosure deadline.

  • How to correctly enter your open licence in ArcGIS Online

    This walkthrough will help you correctly set up Creative Commons licences for your data layers in ArcGIS Online open data portal. Setting licences correctly here flows through to when you make use of automated harvesting.

  • How to respond to a data request allows people to request open data from agencies with a data request form. This guidance page helps agencies resolve data requests they receive by using the response features built into

  • Automating dataset updates adopted an international data harvesting open standard (data.json) to automate agency dataset updates and additions. There are tools available to help generate the correct format and the open standard data schema is detailed with examples.

  • Formats for open data

    Machine and human readable formats, such as PDF, CSV, and XLS, ensures that you maximise the value of your open data while complying with open government data and information policies.

  • Qualities of a good open data API

    There are 15 key things you can do to ensure your data API is user-friendly.

  • How do I set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

    Following best practice guidance from CERT NZ, we have made Publisher accounts on more secure by using Multi-Factor Authentication.
