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Help move open data forward with NZ’s first open data framework for transport

We're building Aotearoa NZ's first, collaboratively-developed, voluntary open data framework, for the transport sector, and we want to hear from you!

By aimee whitcroft,
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Neon open sign

Open data workshop hosted by Stats NZ

The workshop featured 6 lightning talks on a range of open data topics, followed by discussions on open data gaps and barriers to releasing and accessing open data.

By Keely Gaskin,
Electrical components upgrade – Thursday 18 November

On Thursday 18th November at 8pm we'll be releasing an updated version of data. govt. nz.
Laptops on a shared desk

A club funded approach to IDI research

Earlier this year Motu released new research that breaks down the rate of driver licence holders among different groups in in Aotearoa New Zealand.
By Aravindh Rajendran, Deb Potter, Mark Lee,
photo from outer space_NASA

Exploring Te Ao Māori perspectives on offshore data storage

In 2019, Stats NZ on behalf of the GCDS contracted Bell Gully to write a report outlining the benefits, risks, and mitigations of storing iwi and Māori data in the Cloud.

By Charlotte Hastie,
GDSR focus areas

The Government Data Strategy and Roadmap

Earlier this month, the Government Chief Data Steward released the New Zealand Government Data Strategy and Roadmap – the guiding document for the government data system, outlining priorities for the next five years.

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Annual feedback survey

Each year we invite users of to complete a short survey about their experience using this website.

By Caleb Stone,
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An informed use of facial recognition technology by NZ Police

Police are developing a suite of activities to ensure any emerging technologies, such as Facial Recognition Technology, are well understood, publicly accepted, and if need be, regulated. It is also critical that any impacts of technology are understood from a Te Ao Māori perspective.

By Craig Jones,
genderIdentity tile LOGO

Gender, Sex and Variations of Sex Characteristics

On 22 April 2021, Stats NZ released an updated Statistical Standard for Gender, Sex and Variations of Sex Characteristics.

By Micah Davison,
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Change to mandated data standards

The process for selecting mandated data standards (previously called Data Content Requirements, or DCRs) has been updated and approved by the Information Group.

By Sophie Austin,
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Changes coming to the website

We drafted and tested possible changes to the way this website organises information. Based on that testing, we will make improvements to the website over the next few months. This blog is a heads up, so that you are best prepared for these planned changes. Also, we continue to welcome any feedback about the changes.

By Caleb Stone,
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Data and Digital Standards Quarterly Event

On 11 February, 2021, the Data and Digital Standards Community of Practice will hold their first quarterly event of the year.

By Caleb Stone,