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The work programme for the Interim Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation

The Interim Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation’s (ICDEI) focus is on raising awareness of data ethics and innovation, developing a network of agencies in this space, bringing together existing information, and helping to shape a collective understanding of data ethics and innovation in Aotearoa.

The centre will engage and work with Māori organisations, Iwi and hapu, academia, the private sector, and non-government organisations as we develop a network for data ethics and innovation. However, in the first 12 months, the primary focus of the centre will be engaging with the public sector. Where other government agencies are already undertaking work in the data ethics and innovation space, the centre will support their work to maximise the opportunities and benefits from new and emerging uses of data. 

The first 12 months of the ICDEI work programme is framed into four key areas, as follows:


  • Service design to shape a common understanding of data ethics. 
  • Develop partnerships and joint understanding with Māori. 
  • Grow the role and influence of the Data Ethics Advisory Group (DEAG)
  • Prototype a formalised Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation. 
  • Investigate established engagement models, such as data wānanga. 


  • Bring together advice, guidance, and tool kits to standardise data ethics across government. 
  • Perform gaps analysis of existing tools and regulation.  
  • Develop new products to address gaps. 
  • Develop feedback loops using the DEAG. 


  • Develop a better understanding of the centre’s networks.   
  • Strengthen connections across Māori data networks to inform and enhance data ethics and innovation work. 
  • Shape and design the network model and how it will work. 
  • Develop an expert directory on data ethics and innovation. 
  • Develop an engagement model for connecting across the centre’s networks. 


  • Identify and support other relevant work programmes across government agencies.  
  • Support iwi and hapu to engage in a way that works for them.